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Naše výsledky, získané v rámci projektu podpořeného z Česko-norského programu byly publikovány v mezinárodních odborných časopisech:

Maršíková J., Wilkinson D., Hlaváček O., Gilfillan G., Mizeranschi A., Hughes T., Begany M., Rešetárová S., Váchová L., Palková Z. (2017) Metabolic differentiation of surface and invasive cells of yeast colony biofilms revealed by gene expression profiling. BMC Genomics (2017) 18:814, DOI 10.1186/s12864-017-4214-4 (IF2016 = 3,729)

Segorbe, D., Wilkinson D., Mizeranschi A., Hughes T., Aaløkken R., Vachova L., Palkova Z., D. Gilfillan G.D. (2018) An optimized FAIRE procedure for low cell numbers in yeast. Yeast 2018: 1-6 doi: 10.1002/yea.3316. (IF2016 = 1,990)

Wilkinson D., Maršíková J., Hlaváček O., Gilfillan GD., Ježková E., Aaløkken R., Váchová L., Palková Z. (2018) Transcriptome remodeling of differentiated cells during chronological ageing of yeast colonies: New insights into metabolic differentiation. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Volume 2018, Article ID 4932905, 17 pages (IF2016 = 4,593)

Wilkinson D., Váchová L., Hlaváček O., Maršíková J., Gilfillan G.D., Palková Z. (2018) Long non-coding RNAs in yeast cells and differentiated subpopulations of yeast colonies and biofilms. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Volume 2018, Article ID 4950591, 12 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4950591 (IF2016 = 4,593)

A model for cancer progression and development of drug resistance in biofilms