Laboratoř biologie kvasinkových kolonií
Laboratoř buněčné biologie, Praha
- Laboratory at the Institute of Microbiology, CAS CZ
- Institute of Microbiology fluorescence microscopy of new strain constructs
- Institute of Microbiology, sample preparation
- Institute of Microbiology, northern blot hybridization
- Institute of Microbiology, RNA extraction and preparation of gels for Northern blot
- Institute of Microbiology, preparation of agarose gels
- Institute of Microbiology, PCR experiments
- Institute of Microbiology, cultivation of yeast clones for genomic DNA extraction
Sekvenační centrum, Oslo
- Oslo University Hospital, Illumina service engineers installing new HiSeq X machine
- Oslo University Hospital, Information screen showing run parameters on an active Hiseq run
- Oslo University Hospital, control of a HiSeq flowcell purity before use
- Oslo University Hospital, Setting up a run on the HiSeq 2000 sequencer