YCG team laboratories, Prague
Faculty of Science, yeast strain construction
Faculty of Science, wide-field and fluorescence microscopy of yeast colonies
Faculty of Science, RNA Sequencing data analysis
Faculty of Science, PCR experiments
Laboratory at the Faculty of Science, Prague
Faculty of Science, FAIRE sample preparation
Faculty of Science, yeast strain construction
Faculty of Science, wide-field and fluorescence microscopy of yeast colonies
Faculty of Science, Prague
Faculty of Science, FAIRE sample preparation
Faculty of Science, PCR experiments
Faculty of Science, RNA Sequencing data analysis
Laboratory of cell biology, Prague
Laboratory at the Institute of Microbiology, CAS CZ
Institute of Microbiology fluorescence microscopy of new strain constructs
Institute of Microbiology, sample preparation
Institute of Microbiology, northern blot hybridization
Institute of Microbiology, RNA extraction and preparation of gels for Northern blot
Institute of Microbiology, preparation of agarose gels
Institute of Microbiology, PCR experiments
Institute of Microbiology, cultivation of yeast clones for genomic DNA extraction
Sequencing centre laboratories (national core facility), Oslo
Oslo University Hospital, Illumina service engineers installing new HiSeq X machine
Oslo University Hospital, Information screen showing run parameters on an active Hiseq run
Oslo University Hospital, control of a HiSeq flowcell purity before use
Oslo University Hospital, Setting up a run on the HiSeq 2000 sequencer